by Tim Dawson | Oct 15, 2018 | Music Truths
The cognitive structures developed through music instruction “exposed and illuminated more general organizing structures relevant for multiple disciplines.” ~ Portowitz,P., Lichtenstein, O., Egorova, L., & Brand, E. (2009). Underlying mechanisms...
by Tim Dawson | Oct 11, 2018 | Music Truths
An analysis of data from the National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988 demonstrated a significant correlation between participation in school music groups and achievement in math and English. ~ Broh, B. A. (2002). Linking extracurricular programming to academic...
by Tim Dawson | Oct 9, 2018 | Tips
Mr. Matt Harloff from Avon High School, recently joined us on the Director Spotlight. Today, he talks about his approach to coaching, motivating and teaching kids. We hope you enjoy this segment from the Director Spotlight.
by Tim Dawson | Oct 8, 2018 | Music Truths
“A broad education in the arts helps give children a better understanding of their world…We need students who are culturally literate as well as math and science literate.” ~ Paul Ostergard, Vice President, Citicorp
by Tim Dawson | Oct 4, 2018 | Music Truths
Children from “arts-rich” public schools score higher on expression, risk-taking, creativity-imagination, cooperative learning, and academic self-concept than children in “arts-poor” systems. ~ “Learning In and Through the Arts: The Question of...