by Mark Goff | Oct 20, 2016 | Music Truths
We believe that music training is a particularly potent driver of brain plasticity that influences the biological processes important for listening, language, and learning. ~ Neuroeducation: From the Lab to the Classroom,” School-Based Music Summary, Northwestern...
by Mark Goff | Oct 17, 2016 | Music Truths
Students who take music in middle school score signifcantly higher on algebra assignments in 9th grade than their non-music counterparts. ~ Helmrich. B. H. (2010). Window of opportunity? Adolescence, music, and algebra. Journal of Adolescent Research. 25...
by Mark Goff | Oct 13, 2016 | Music Truths
Students who study music tend to have larger vocabularies and more advanced reading skills than their peers who do not participate in music lessons. ~ Arete Music Academy. “Statistical benefits of music in education.” Arete Music Academy. Accessed July 17,...
by Mark Goff | Oct 10, 2016 | Music Truths
“Students of all ages – that includes adults – generally find that music helps them focus more clearly on the task at hand and puts them in a better mood for learning.” ~ Chris Brewer, founder of LifeSounds Educational Services, quoted in “Boost Memory and Learning...
by Mark Goff | Oct 6, 2016 | Music Truths
Research indicates the brain of a musician, even a young one, works differently than that of a nonmusician. “There’s some good neuroscience research that children involved in music have larger growth of neural activity than people not in music training. When you’re a...