Music Classes Increase Skills In Reading And Math

First- graders who participated in special music classes as part of an arts study saw their reading skills and math proficiency increase dramatically. ~ Gardiner, M. F., Fox, A., Knowles, F., & Jeffrey, D. (1996). Learning improved by arts training. Nature,...

The Arts Are An Important Catalyst For Learning

“In my own philanthropy and business endeavors, I have seen the critical role that the arts play in stimulating creativity and in developing vital communities….the arts have a crucial impact on our economy and are an important catalyst for learning, discovery, and...

Why I Must Study Politics And War

“I must study politics and war, that my sons may study mathematics and philosophy…in order to give their children the right to study painting, poetry, music and architecture.” ~ John Q. Adams
Bob Medworth – Director Spotlight

Bob Medworth – Director Spotlight

Our next Director Spotlight is on one of Indiana’s finest directors, Mr. Bob Medworth.  Bob teaches at Northview HS and North Clay MS in Brazil.  Bob is a fantastic educator who loves his craft.  I think you will see why we picked such an awesome teacher to spotlight!...