Spotlights & Tips
Director Tips – Tim Cox: Communications
Welcome back to the Director Spotlight! Mr. Tim Cox, Director of Bands at Decatur Central High School recently joined us on the Director Spotlight. Today, we offer Tim’s tip for all teachers on communications with parents and administrators. Thanks for joining us and...
Popular Director Tips – Joel Powell: 3 Quick Tips
Joel Powell spent time with us on the Director Spotlight back in 2016. He offers us a few tips on teaching orchestra including: going in with a humble heart, observing other awesome educators and establishing rapport with kids as a person!
Popular Director Tips – Ben Yoder: 3 E-Learning Tips
Ben Yoder, Orchestra Director at Hamilton Southeastern Intermediate and Junior High School, recently joined us on the Director Spotlight! Ben talked about 3 different E-learning subjects he used during weather-related school cancellations in HSE this past year. We...
Music Truths
The Arts Gives Students A Better Understanding
"A broad education in the arts helps give children a better understanding of their world...We need students who are culturally literate as well as math and science literate." ~ Paul Ostergard, Vice President, Citicorp
Students From Arts-Rich Public Schools Score Higher
Children from "arts-rich" public schools score higher on expression, risk-taking, creativity-imagination, cooperative learning, and academic self-concept than children in "arts-poor" systems. ~ "Learning In and Through the Arts: The Question of Transfer," Judith M....
Arts Are An Essential Element In Education
"An elementary school that treats the arts as the province of a few gifted children, or views them only as recreation and entertainment, is a school that needs an infusion of soul. The arts are an essential element of education, just like reading, writing, and...
Latest News
Paige’s Music Golf Outing 2016
Hello Everyone! It's almost golf outing time so I thought I would send everyone the details. We hope you are able to join us for golf and lunch at Golf Club of Indiana on the 15th of July. Location: Golf Club of Indiana 6905 S. 525 East Lebanon, IN 46052...